– the health network

Welcome to! In our directory, health-conscious people will find information, service providers and contact points on the topics of health and fitness. Experts can register for free or choose professional options.

Register now – from free to premium

You are familiar with health topics, publish useful information on the web, offer services or run a shop? Then we offer you a platform to draw attention to you. From free to professional, we offer you the following listing options:


1 expert entry*
1 address entry*
1 Weblink*
*) Free entry with restricted fields.
**) Free web links do not appear in our public lists, but only in the linked expert and address entries.
0,- €


No restrictions
High position
Incl. Picture Gallery
Fax and telephone number
Overlay as banner
1 category per entry
3 lists of topics: the entry appears in three lists on focal points and qualifications (freely selectable)
34,- €
(subscription only 24,-€)
per annum


No restrictions
Top position + highlighting
Incl. Picture Gallery
Fax and telephone number
Overlay as banner
2 categories per entry
10 lists of topics: the entry appears in ten lists on focal points and qualifications (freely selectable)
99,- €
(subscription only 79,-€)
per annum

Free Listings

After registration, you can place one entry (1 x expert, 1 x address, 1 x link) free of charge. Subscribe to our healthy lists and inform new customers about your offer. For a small amount you can provide additional information, set a picture gallery and additional categories. You can also create a link entry and link it to your other entries. You can link the free link entry to your expert profile and address entry so that readers can find and click on the link.

PRO: Book the full service cost-effectively

In the Pro package, more fields, categories and the image gallery option are available to present your business appropriately. The PRO web link also appears in our public web directory, so it leads visitors to you and affects your website and social media profiles. Pro listings appear above and are also listed in our banner sections.

PREMIUM: Maximum online presence

Premium packages are additionally visually highlighted, are at the top of the lists, appear in our banner areas, in additional categories and topic lists.

Cheaper by subscription

Each Free, Pro and Premium listing will remain active for one year before becoming a limited free listing again. Of course, we want long-term relationships, especially with health experts, and therefore offer subscriptions. In the subscription, the entry is automatically renewed from year to year. You set up a standing order (for example, at PayPal). As a thank you, you will receive a discount from the first booking.