Top 5 Health Trends 2024: The Guide to a More Conscious Life

Have you ever wondered how the small decisions we make on a daily basis can affect our well-being? In a world that is evolving at a rapid pace, it’s more important than ever to pause for a moment and reflect on how we take care of our bodies and minds.

Discounter Health Tip

Healthy shopping at the discounter

Shopping at the discount store is part of everyday life for many people. The low prices and wide range of products make discounters attractive, but the challenge lies in making health-conscious choices under these conditions. In this blog post, I’ll give you six valuable tips on how to save not


The Role of Gut Health in Cold Season

When the leaves fall and the days get shorter, not only the time of colorful scarves and warming teas begins, but also the high season for colds and flu. As we prepare to fight viruses and bacteria, one crucial factor is often overlooked: the health of our gut. This article

HealthyList FAQ

Overall Health and Wellbeing – Answers FAQ

We’ve collected some common questions from the last few weeks and months, and in this article, we’d like to provide some quick answers for overall health and well-being. Please remember that a qualified contact person must always be consulted in order to solve individual health problems. You can get advice

Healthy Lifestyle Blog

What is a healthy lifestyle? – A comprehensive guide

In our hectic world, we often hear about the importance of a healthy lifestyle. But what exactly is a healthy lifestyle? In this guide, we’ll explore what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and how you can incorporate it into your life. Nutrition: The cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle What would a

The path to self-realization - begins in the mind

Path to Self-Realization: Guide to a Fulfilled Life

In the turbulent landscape of life , we often look for solid ground, a compass to guide us through the diverse experiences and challenges. This guide is meant to be just that compass, with five basic pillars that can serve as lighthouses for you on the path to self-actualization .

The importance of sleep quality for overall health

Introduction Sleep is not only a recovery period for the body, but also a crucial factor in our overall health and well-being. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the importance of sleep for health, the factors that influence sleep quality, and explore current science on the subject. Why is

Healthy and Fit in Old Age

Healthy in Old Age: How to Stay Tit and Vital even in Old Age

The Importance of Health and Vitality in Old Age Health and vitality play a crucial role in old age. This stage of life can be accompanied by physical and mental changes. But it is also a period of life in which life experience and wisdom come to light. A healthy

Homemade lemonade - drink enough in summer

The health benefits of water

Essential for our well-being Water – it’s much more than just a refreshing drink. In this article, we explore the numerous health benefits of water. It is the essential elixir that makes up most of our body and supports vital functions. Hydration: More than just quenching your thirst Our body


7 tips on how to integrate exercise into everyday life

How to stay fit and healthy in the long term In this day and age, it is more important than ever to take care of our health. An active everyday life plays a decisive role in this. But how can you integrate more exercise into your everyday life without it

Insights into Mental Health: Tips for Your Mental Health

A guest article by Dr. Anna Maria Rostomyan In this guest post, Dr. Anna Maria Rostomyan, mental health and emotional intelligence expert, shares valuable tips for strengthening our mental resilience in an increasingly digitized world. Learn how to better meet the challenges of modern life and live a more balanced

How many meals are healthy? (Fasting vs. snacking)

Diet plays an important role in maintaining good health. One of the most common questions related to nutrition is: How many meals a day are healthy? There are many opinions on this, and sometimes they seem to contradict each other. Some experts recommend three balanced meals a day, while others

Lowering cholesterol: Improving LDL & HDL without medication

High cholesterol is a problem that many people face due to today’s lifestyle habits or their advanced age. Cholesterol can increase the risk of serious health problems such as heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, there are some tips on how to lower cholesterol without the use of medication. In this

Tips for healthy hearing – good hearing into old age

Introduction: Human Hearing Our ears The human ear is our organ of hearing, which makes it possible to perceive sounds. In addition to hearing, our sense of balance is also located in the ear. When we understand how healthy hearing works, we can better appreciate its importance and maintain the

The 4 pillars of health: nutrition, exercise, mind and social life

Introduction: What are the 4 pillars of health? Optimal health is the result of a balanced lifestyle that encompasses four pillars of health: diet, exercise, mind and social life. A healthy diet provides your body with the essential nutrients it needs to function properly. Exercise helps keep your body strong

Tips for a healthy lifestyle

Introduction What is a healthy lifestyle and how to lead it? A healthy lifestyle is all about balance. This includes a balanced diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep. The better you balance these things, the healthier you will become. In this article, we would like to give comprehensive tips for

Health advisors – and how they can help you

Introduction: What is a health consultant? A health care professional is a person who gives advice and guidance to help people lead a healthier lifestyle. The role of the health advisor is to provide people with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. A

How I lost 30 kg in just 12 months!

Experience report by Katrin (42) I recently completed a 12-month weight loss program. Weight loss was sometimes difficult and frustrating, but it also had some unexpected side effects. The first is that I now perceive my body much more consciously than ever before: how it feels, what it needs and

Phasen der Schwangerschaft

The stages of pregnancy

The miracle of birth is hard to believe. Expectant mothers usually can’t even imagine what’s going on inside them. It only takes 40 weeks for a single cell to grow into a real human being. The stages of pregnancy are the 3 trimesters from the 1st to the 40th week.

Yoga am Meer

Meditation and Mindfulness – A Guide for Beginners

For some years now, they have been back in vogue, the mental exercises for relaxation, balance and self-confidence. Stressed people are looking for a balance, others want to get to know each other better and still others want to shape and enrich their lives more consciously. As a newcomer to

Health Tips

This list will introduce you to some habits and basics for everyday life that will keep your body and mind healthy for a long time. For more information and professional health tips, take a look at the health magazine and directories of Between our 11 health tips, there are

Exotische Blüte

Wellness trip as a gift

A reader’s report The GesundeListe editorial team often receives comments from readers. Today we received the report of a sprightly pensioner from northern Germany, to whom his daughter presented a wellness trip as a gift, and who wants to share his experience with us and our health-conscious readers. We hope