
7 tips on how to integrate exercise into everyday life

How to stay fit and healthy in the long term In this day and age, it is more important than ever to take care of our health. An active everyday life plays a decisive role in this. But how can you integrate more exercise into your everyday life without it … weiterlesen

Insights into Mental Health: Tips for Your Mental Health

A guest article by Dr. Anna Maria Rostomyan In this guest post, Dr. Anna Maria Rostomyan, mental health and emotional intelligence expert, shares valuable tips for strengthening our mental resilience in an increasingly digitized world. Learn how to better meet the challenges of modern life and live a more balanced … weiterlesen

Tips for healthy hearing – good hearing into old age

Introduction: Human Hearing Our ears The human ear is our organ of hearing, which makes it possible to perceive sounds. In addition to hearing, our sense of balance is also located in the ear. When we understand how healthy hearing works, we can better appreciate its importance and maintain the … weiterlesen

The 4 pillars of health: nutrition, exercise, mind and social life

Introduction: What are the 4 pillars of health? Optimal health is the result of a balanced lifestyle that encompasses four pillars of health: diet, exercise, mind and social life. A healthy diet provides your body with the essential nutrients it needs to function properly. Exercise helps keep your body strong … weiterlesen

Yoga am Meer

Meditation and Mindfulness – A Guide for Beginners

For some years now, they have been back in vogue, the mental exercises for relaxation, balance and self-confidence. Stressed people are looking for a balance, others want to get to know each other better and still others want to shape and enrich their lives more consciously. As a newcomer to … weiterlesen

Health Tips

This list will introduce you to some habits and basics for everyday life that will keep your body and mind healthy for a long time. For more information and professional health tips, take a look at the health magazine and directories of Between our 11 health tips, there are … weiterlesen