Licorice Licorice

Liquorice: Sweet Treat with Double-Edged Effect

Licorice is a sweet temptation with a rich history, and plays a significant role in many cultures, whether as a delicious treat or for its recognized healing properties. The following article attempts to shed light on the fascinating world of liquorice and to present its health aspects, its effects as … weiterlesen


Headache – flashes in the head

Types of headaches Tension headaches, migraines and cluster headaches The head is buzzing, behind the forehead it is throbbing and you can no longer concentrate. At some point in life, the headache hits everyone. While it is the exception for some, around 40% of people are affected several times a … weiterlesen

Herpes: Home remedies for the annoying blisters

What is herpes? Many people have already experienced a herpes infection in their lives. These painful little blisters on the lip heal on their own after some time. But for some people, they unfortunately return again and again at indefinite intervals. How do these painful blisters develop? They often announce … weiterlesen