Phenolic acids

Phenolic acids are a group of plant compounds found in many foods, especially fruits, vegetables, and grains. They are also known as polyphenols and have gained a lot of attention in nutrition and medicine due to their potential health benefits. Phenolic acids are also sometimes popularly referred to as “phytochemicals”.

Enough potassium? The underrated nutrient for a healthier life

Potassium is a vital mineral that performs various important functions in the human body. It is an electrolyte responsible for fluid balance and regulation of acid-base balance in the body. Sufficient potassium is also essential for the functioning of nerves and muscles, including the heart muscle. Potassium: Recognizing and avoiding


Your health guide

The ultimate guide to a healthy life Healthy List provides information on all sorts of health topics, as well as tips for a healthier lifestyle, and provides general advice and information on many health topics, as well as tips for a healthier lifestyle. Our health guide contains articles by laypeople

Magnesium – the most important mineral?

Magnesium is a mineral found in many foods. It is important for the human body because it helps with many functions. Magnesium is necessary for energy production, regulation of blood pressure and the functioning of muscles and nerves. It also plays a role in keeping bones healthy and in digestion.

Nahrungsergänzung & gesunde Ernährung

Food supplements: harmful or healthy?

You now encounter dietary supplements in trade and advertising almost every day. The associated marketing promises help on the one hand with a wide variety of health problems and complaints, on the other hand with the regulation of ordinary bodily functions. At the same time, there are repeated warnings of