Discounter Health Tip

Healthy shopping at the discounter

Shopping at the discount store is part of everyday life for many people. The low prices and wide range of products make discounters attractive, but the challenge lies in making health-conscious choices under these conditions. In this blog post, I’ll give you six valuable tips on how to save not

Rediscover Your Fitness Passion: How to Overcome Common Roadblocks

A guest article by Solveig Eitungjerde Introduction In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, maintaining a strong connection with our fitness passion can often become challenging. Whether it’s the monotony of routine, lack of motivation, or the continuous time constraints, we all face roadblocks on our fitness journey.


7 tips on how to integrate exercise into everyday life

How to stay fit and healthy in the long term In this day and age, it is more important than ever to take care of our health. An active everyday life plays a decisive role in this. But how can you integrate more exercise into your everyday life without it

Insights into Mental Health: Tips for Your Mental Health

A guest article by Dr. Anna Maria Rostomyan In this guest post, Dr. Anna Maria Rostomyan, mental health and emotional intelligence expert, shares valuable tips for strengthening our mental resilience in an increasingly digitized world. Learn how to better meet the challenges of modern life and live a more balanced

Secret tips from successful health and fitness coaches

How to make yourself successful as an unsuccessful health coach and fitness coach: Read the secret tips of successful colleagues! By learning from the successes of your colleagues, you will quickly become an effective and sought-after coach. Read on to discover the insider tips that successful health coaches and fitness

Vegan diet

Find out why more and more people are opting for a vegan lifestyle and how to make the transition. We examine the benefits of veganism for health and the environment and give tips for starting a plant-based diet.