Immune system attacks body cells

Lupus erythematosus – briefly explained

Lupus erythematosus (LE) is an insidious autoimmune disease that has many faces. It can manifest itself through a variety of symptoms and affect different organs and systems in the body. The disease is chronic and can go through periods of mild symptoms and acute flare-ups. This guide will give you

Home medicine chest in crisis – this should contain it

In an emergency, a medicine cabinet can make the difference between life and death. It is important to have well-stocked emergency equipment with medications, bandages, water purification tablets and other accessories. It is very important to have well-stocked emergency equipment with medicines, bandages, water purification tablets and other accessories. In

Guide: Taking bitter medicine

Not only bitter medicine works The bitter taste of some medicines makes them effective. Unfortunately, unpleasant taste makes us little desire to take a medicine. Some patients therefore do not take their medicine regularly and thus delay healing. There are often simple tricks to deal with the bitter medicine more


Your health guide

The ultimate guide to a healthy life Healthy List provides information on all sorts of health topics, as well as tips for a healthier lifestyle, and provides general advice and information on many health topics, as well as tips for a healthier lifestyle. Our health guide contains articles by laypeople

Health Tips

This list will introduce you to some habits and basics for everyday life that will keep your body and mind healthy for a long time. For more information and professional health tips, take a look at the health magazine and directories of Between our 11 health tips, there are