CBD vs. THC: Effects and Possible Applications

The following information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult a doctor or specialized advisor if you have any questions about the health benefits of CBD and THC. In addition, be aware of local legislation to avoid conflicts and penalties. CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)

mobile physiotherapy

Mobile Physiotherapy: Benefits and Opportunities for Patients and Therapists

A comprehensive view for patients and therapists Mobile physiotherapy provides a convenient and effective way to receive therapeutic services in the familiar environment of your own home. In this article, we will look at the merits and specifics of mobile physiotherapy from both the patient’s and the therapist’s perspective. What

natürliche Heilmittel Akupunktur Ayurveda Homöopathie

Natural Remedies: Exploring Home Remedies and Alternative Healing for Ailments

Alternative healing methods and natural remedies In this article, we would like to give you a comprehensive overview of natural remedies and alternative healing methods to find relief from various diseases and ailments. We will look at home remedies, herbal medicine and various alternative healing methods and shed light on

Home medicine chest in crisis – this should contain it

In an emergency, a medicine cabinet can make the difference between life and death. It is important to have well-stocked emergency equipment with medications, bandages, water purification tablets and other accessories. It is very important to have well-stocked emergency equipment with medicines, bandages, water purification tablets and other accessories. In

Guide: Taking bitter medicine

Not only bitter medicine works The bitter taste of some medicines makes them effective. Unfortunately, unpleasant taste makes us little desire to take a medicine. Some patients therefore do not take their medicine regularly and thus delay healing. There are often simple tricks to deal with the bitter medicine more

Tick Bite Guide

Risks of Tick Bites What is a tick? Ticks are small arachnids that can pose potential health risks to humans. They have a life cycle that includes three stages: larva, nymph and adult. Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that feed on the blood of animals and humans, which can lead to

6 types of cancer in which cancer prevention is particularly important

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in one part of the body. Most cancers originate from cells that are not cancerous. Cancer screening can detect cancer earlier when a cure is more likely. Specialist screenings can find cancers before they cause symptoms and spread to other parts of the


Headache – flashes in the head

Types of headaches Tension headaches, migraines and cluster headaches The head is buzzing, behind the forehead it is throbbing and you can no longer concentrate. At some point in life, the headache hits everyone. While it is the exception for some, around 40% of people are affected several times a


Iodine tablets in nuclear accident

In the course of the Ukraine crisis, the fear of nuclear accidents or a nuclear emergency, be it nuclear power plants, missiles or dirty bombs, is also growing in Germany and its neighboring countries. There are increasing press reports about battles in the immediate vicinity of nuclear power plants. For

Herpes: Home remedies for the annoying blisters

What is herpes? Many people have already experienced a herpes infection in their lives. These painful little blisters on the lip heal on their own after some time. But for some people, they unfortunately return again and again at indefinite intervals. How do these painful blisters develop? They often announce