Vase obtained from shards

Overcoming trauma – from first thoughts to healing

Today we are going to focus on a difficult topic – traumatic experiences. What exactly do we mean by trauma, and how can we deal with it? In this blog post, we shed light on the causes, the psychological effects, and the ways to cope with traumatic experiences. Trauma or

The importance of sleep quality for overall health

Introduction Sleep is not only a recovery period for the body, but also a crucial factor in our overall health and well-being. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the importance of sleep for health, the factors that influence sleep quality, and explore current science on the subject. Why is

mobile physiotherapy

Mobile Physiotherapy: Benefits and Opportunities for Patients and Therapists

A comprehensive view for patients and therapists Mobile physiotherapy provides a convenient and effective way to receive therapeutic services in the familiar environment of your own home. In this article, we will look at the merits and specifics of mobile physiotherapy from both the patient’s and the therapist’s perspective. What

Insights into Mental Health: Tips for Your Mental Health

A guest article by Dr. Anna Maria Rostomyan In this guest post, Dr. Anna Maria Rostomyan, mental health and emotional intelligence expert, shares valuable tips for strengthening our mental resilience in an increasingly digitized world. Learn how to better meet the challenges of modern life and live a more balanced

Phasen der Schwangerschaft

The stages of pregnancy

The miracle of birth is hard to believe. Expectant mothers usually can’t even imagine what’s going on inside them. It only takes 40 weeks for a single cell to grow into a real human being. The stages of pregnancy are the 3 trimesters from the 1st to the 40th week.

Pelvic floor training

One of the most important muscle groups in humans is located in the lower pelvic area: the pelvic floor. It is located between the pubic bone and the coccyx and is bordered laterally by the ischial tuberosities. Its multi-layered network of muscles and connective tissue keeps the bladder, intestines and

Schwimmer mit Sprung vom Beckenrand

Healthy sport

Too little exercise is harmful to humans. This insight is part of general education today and is hardly doubted by anyone. But not every movement and activity is healthy for everyone. Healthy sport becomes unhealthy if you overdo it. Because sport, just like medicine, can even make you sick if

Yoga am Meer

Meditation and Mindfulness – A Guide for Beginners

For some years now, they have been back in vogue, the mental exercises for relaxation, balance and self-confidence. Stressed people are looking for a balance, others want to get to know each other better and still others want to shape and enrich their lives more consciously. As a newcomer to

Exotische Blüte

Wellness trip as a gift

A reader’s report The GesundeListe editorial team often receives comments from readers. Today we received the report of a sprightly pensioner from northern Germany, to whom his daughter presented a wellness trip as a gift, and who wants to share his experience with us and our health-conscious readers. We hope