Distinguishing between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids

Fatty Acids in a Nutshell

Fatty acids are components of the fats in our food that play an important role in various bodily functions. There are two main types of fatty acids: unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, which differ in their chemical structure and effects on health. Unsaturated Fatty Acids Unsaturated fatty acids have one

Winter: Walk in the sun

The importance of vitamin D in winter

Vitamin D, often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” is crucial for numerous bodily functions. It contributes to bone health, supports the immune system, and even affects mood. However, during the winter months with less sunshine, vitamin D deficiency can develop, which poses various health risks. Why is vitamin D

Healthy skin into old age

Diet for Healthy Skin: How Your Meals Can Affect Your Skin

Diet for Healthy Skin: How Your Meals Can Affect Your Skin Our skin is more than just an outer layer, it is the largest organ of the body and a mirror of our inner health. A balanced diet is essential not only for our overall health, but also for healthy,

Superheroine Superfoods Micronutrients

Micronutrients: How Superfoods Support Our Health

Micronutrients are essential nutrients that are needed in small amounts to ensure normal body function. They include vitamins, minerals, trace elements and phytochemicals. These little helpers are involved in a variety of biological functions, including metabolic processes, immune system function, and cell development and function. They also play an important

Health-conscious eating habits

Health-Conscious Eating Habits: Practical Tips for Weight Loss and Maintenance

Overweight and obesity are common health problems caused by a positive energy balance, i.e. when the body is supplied with more energy than it needs. The excess energy is stored as body fat. In order to reduce the health risks of being overweight, it is often necessary to permanently normalize

Homemade lemonade - drink enough in summer

The health benefits of water

Essential for our well-being Water – it’s much more than just a refreshing drink. In this article, we explore the numerous health benefits of water. It is the essential elixir that makes up most of our body and supports vital functions. Hydration: More than just quenching your thirst Our body

Best Sources of Vitamins

Importance and Best Sources of Vitamins

The Importance of Vitamins for our Health Vitamins are essential nutrients that are essential for health and well-being. In this article, we’ll focus on five important vitamins — vitamin A, B12, C, D, and K — and how they affect our health. Learn about the functions of these vitamins in

How many meals are healthy? (Fasting vs. snacking)

Diet plays an important role in maintaining good health. One of the most common questions related to nutrition is: How many meals a day are healthy? There are many opinions on this, and sometimes they seem to contradict each other. Some experts recommend three balanced meals a day, while others

Provitamin A (carotene)

Provitamin A is a precursor of vitamin A and is also referred to as carotene. It is found in many plant foods and can be converted into vitamin A by the body. Function and effect in the body Vitamin A is important for healthy skin, eyes, bones and teeth. It

Enough potassium? The underrated nutrient for a healthier life

Potassium is a vital mineral that performs various important functions in the human body. It is an electrolyte responsible for fluid balance and regulation of acid-base balance in the body. Sufficient potassium is also essential for the functioning of nerves and muscles, including the heart muscle. Potassium: Recognizing and avoiding

Vegan diet

Find out why more and more people are opting for a vegan lifestyle and how to make the transition. We examine the benefits of veganism for health and the environment and give tips for starting a plant-based diet.

The importance of iron in the human body

What is iron? Iron is an important mineral for your body. Iron is found in hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in the blood. So it helps to transport oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Iron is also important for producing energy and building healthy cells.

Flavonoide in pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln und Produkten

Flavonoids – from cancer prevention to anti-aging

What are flavonoids? Flavonoids are a group of natural substances that give color to many plants and vegetables. They are also found in a variety of other sources such as tea, wine, and cocoa. The word “flavonoid” comes from the Latin word “flavus”, which means yellow or golden. Flavonoids are

Vitamin K – for bones, circulation and brain

You may already know that vitamin K is important for blood clotting. But the vitamin can do much more. Bones, teeth and even the heart benefit from the vitamin, which can be absorbed through various foods. There are even signs that vitamin K can be used to prevent dementia. In

Vitamin B12 – What you need to know about it

What is vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 (scientific name: cobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for the normal functioning of the body. It is one of eight B vitamins and is needed to make DNA, cells, and neurotransmitters. The body cannot produce vitamin B12, so it must be obtained

Vitamin C – Dosage, Effects and Symptoms

What is vitamin C? Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is a natural, water-soluble vitamin. Since the human body, unlike most animals, is not able to produce the vitamin itself, it must be ingested through food. Vitamin C is available in high doses as tablets or powders. Often the vitamin C

How I lost 30 kg in just 12 months!

Experience report by Katrin (42) I recently completed a 12-month weight loss program. Weight loss was sometimes difficult and frustrating, but it also had some unexpected side effects. The first is that I now perceive my body much more consciously than ever before: how it feels, what it needs and

Iodine – daily requirement, sources and iodine deficiency

Iodine is a mineral essential for human health. It is mainly found in the thyroid gland, where it is used to form thyroid hormones. These hormones play an important role in regulating metabolism. Iodine deficiency can lead to a number of health problems, including goiter, mental retardation, and infertility. Fortunately,

Magnesium – the most important mineral?

Magnesium is a mineral found in many foods. It is important for the human body because it helps with many functions. Magnesium is necessary for energy production, regulation of blood pressure and the functioning of muscles and nerves. It also plays a role in keeping bones healthy and in digestion.

Vitamin A – Function, Need, Deficiency and Overdose

What is vitamin A? Vitamin A refers to a group of compounds that are vital for us and all other vertebrates. The most important of these compounds is retinol. However, this also includes chemical compounds closely related to retinol, which are grouped together as retinoids. These are found in animal

Zinc – the all-rounder

Zinc is a chemical element that the human body desperately needs. However, it is only needed in very small quantities, in so-called traces. Zinc is therefore assigned to the group of trace elements. The following text provides comprehensive information about your body’s zinc requirements. He will explain the function of

Liste Gesunde Lebensmittel

Top 214 Food Ranking! The Best Healthy Foods

Discover healthy foods now in the ultimate food ranking – most popular, healthiest and sometimes almost unknown exotic foods that support your healthy lifestyle. Why the list of healthy foods? A list of healthy foods can be a valuable resource to help people design a balanced and healthy diet. It

Lists of (un)healthy foods

With a certain pride, the GesundeListe editorial team can say that it already offers one of the largest lists of healthy foods on the German Internet. After all, our list of healthy foods lists over 200 foods from around the world that should find their place on the menu of


Iodine tablets in nuclear accident

In the course of the Ukraine crisis, the fear of nuclear accidents or a nuclear emergency, be it nuclear power plants, missiles or dirty bombs, is also growing in Germany and its neighboring countries. There are increasing press reports about battles in the immediate vicinity of nuclear power plants. For