Your Health Magazine is a health portal with a detailed health magazine. We want to educate about important health issues and enable people to better understand the body and perhaps also the doctor and medical concerns. Here you will find articles and testimonials about nutrition, healthy lifestyle, the body and the psyche, about diseases and recovery as well as about remedies and therapies.

Understanding varicose veins: types, symptoms, treatment options

What are varicose veins? Varicose veins (varicose veins) are dilated, twisted veins. These veins are usually located in the surface of the skin and can be seen as bulges or strands. Since veins throughout the body return blood towards the heart, lesser-known varicose veins also exist. For example, varicose veins

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) – prevent, detect, treat

Introduction: Deep vein thrombosis Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms in the deep veins of the body. The most common site for deep vein thrombosis is the lower leg, but it can also occur in other areas such as the arms, hips or pelvis. Deep veins are

6 types of cancer in which cancer prevention is particularly important

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in one part of the body. Most cancers originate from cells that are not cancerous. Cancer screening can detect cancer earlier when a cure is more likely. Specialist screenings can find cancers before they cause symptoms and spread to other parts of the

List of health professions

The job profiles in the health sector are diverse. The tasks and areas of activity cover the entire life of people, from birth to family planning to old age. Health experts accompany us through all situations and help with special problems as well as with holistic health. For orientation for

Get started: Become a personal trainer or coach

Introduction: Why do I want to become a trainer or coach? The fitness industry is a passionate industry. It’s a place where people can feel like they’re making a difference in someone else’s life. It’s also an industry where people get paid to do what they love. That’s a great

Flavonoide in pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln und Produkten

Flavonoids – from cancer prevention to anti-aging

What are flavonoids? Flavonoids are a group of natural substances that give color to many plants and vegetables. They are also found in a variety of other sources such as tea, wine, and cocoa. The word “flavonoid” comes from the Latin word “flavus”, which means yellow or golden. Flavonoids are

Health advisors – and how they can help you

Introduction: What is a health consultant? A health care professional is a person who gives advice and guidance to help people lead a healthier lifestyle. The role of the health advisor is to provide people with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. A


Your health guide

The ultimate guide to a healthy life Healthy List provides information on all sorts of health topics, as well as tips for a healthier lifestyle, and provides general advice and information on many health topics, as well as tips for a healthier lifestyle. Our health guide contains articles by laypeople

Pinched neck nerve: symptoms, causes and help

A pinched neck nerve is a condition in which the nerve in the neck is compressed or squeezed. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as muscle tension, inflammation, and bone spurs. On this page we describe these ailments, popularly known as pinched neck nerve. Physicians know them

Vitamin K – for bones, circulation and brain

You may already know that vitamin K is important for blood clotting. But the vitamin can do much more. Bones, teeth and even the heart benefit from the vitamin, which can be absorbed through various foods. There are even signs that vitamin K can be used to prevent dementia. In

Vitamin B12 – What you need to know about it

What is vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 (scientific name: cobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for the normal functioning of the body. It is one of eight B vitamins and is needed to make DNA, cells, and neurotransmitters. The body cannot produce vitamin B12, so it must be obtained

Vitamin C – Dosage, Effects and Symptoms

What is vitamin C? Ascorbic acid or vitamin C is a natural, water-soluble vitamin. Since the human body, unlike most animals, is not able to produce the vitamin itself, it must be ingested through food. Vitamin C is available in high doses as tablets or powders. Often the vitamin C

How I lost 30 kg in just 12 months!

Experience report by Katrin (42) I recently completed a 12-month weight loss program. Weight loss was sometimes difficult and frustrating, but it also had some unexpected side effects. The first is that I now perceive my body much more consciously than ever before: how it feels, what it needs and

Iodine – daily requirement, sources and iodine deficiency

Iodine is a mineral essential for human health. It is mainly found in the thyroid gland, where it is used to form thyroid hormones. These hormones play an important role in regulating metabolism. Iodine deficiency can lead to a number of health problems, including goiter, mental retardation, and infertility. Fortunately,

Magnesium – the most important mineral?

Magnesium is a mineral found in many foods. It is important for the human body because it helps with many functions. Magnesium is necessary for energy production, regulation of blood pressure and the functioning of muscles and nerves. It also plays a role in keeping bones healthy and in digestion.

Vitamin A – Function, Need, Deficiency and Overdose

What is vitamin A? Vitamin A refers to a group of compounds that are vital for us and all other vertebrates. The most important of these compounds is retinol. However, this also includes chemical compounds closely related to retinol, which are grouped together as retinoids. These are found in animal

Zinc – the all-rounder

Zinc is a chemical element that the human body desperately needs. However, it is only needed in very small quantities, in so-called traces. Zinc is therefore assigned to the group of trace elements. The following text provides comprehensive information about your body’s zinc requirements. He will explain the function of

Phasen der Schwangerschaft

The stages of pregnancy

The miracle of birth is hard to believe. Expectant mothers usually can’t even imagine what’s going on inside them. It only takes 40 weeks for a single cell to grow into a real human being. The stages of pregnancy are the 3 trimesters from the 1st to the 40th week.

Pelvic floor training

One of the most important muscle groups in humans is located in the lower pelvic area: the pelvic floor. It is located between the pubic bone and the coccyx and is bordered laterally by the ischial tuberosities. Its multi-layered network of muscles and connective tissue keeps the bladder, intestines and

künstliche Vagina

What is a prolapse?

In this article, we explain what medical professionals understand by a “prolapse” and what types of prolapse there are. A prolapse can affect various organs and body regions. As a rule, it is accompanied by high or incorrect loads and/or signs of wear. Age, genetic predisposition and lack of exercise

Schwimmer mit Sprung vom Beckenrand

Healthy sport

Too little exercise is harmful to humans. This insight is part of general education today and is hardly doubted by anyone. But not every movement and activity is healthy for everyone. Healthy sport becomes unhealthy if you overdo it. Because sport, just like medicine, can even make you sick if

Migraine Testimonial

Migraine is a widespread disease that affects many people and for which there is still little help. For some years now, I have known that I am actually one of those affected. The migraine has accompanied me for some time, but only with the information source Internet I was able

Yoga am Meer

Meditation and Mindfulness – A Guide for Beginners

For some years now, they have been back in vogue, the mental exercises for relaxation, balance and self-confidence. Stressed people are looking for a balance, others want to get to know each other better and still others want to shape and enrich their lives more consciously. As a newcomer to

Topics in the health magazine of is a health portal and health magazine. We want to educate about important health issues and enable people like you to better understand your body and your doctor. Here you will find posts and testimonials topics such as...

Nutrition and nutrients: Nutrition is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. It's also a good way to make sure you're getting the right amount of nutrients and vitamins, and to avoid negative effects from eating unhealthy foods.

Healthy lifestyle & self-realization: A healthy lifestyle is not just about proper nutrition and exercise. It's also about feeling good inside. A fulfilled life is not possible without a healthy body and mind. To live a healthy life, one must adopt healthy habits, such as proper nutrition, getting enough sleep, spending time in nature, etc.

Body and psyche: The human body is an incredibly complex system. It consists of many different parts that work together to keep us alive and healthy. It is important to know the anatomy of the human body and how it works. The connection between body and mind must not be neglected either.

Diseases and symptoms: Anyone who knows symptoms of diseases can consult a suitable doctor or therapist in good time. Some diseases have clear symptoms, while other diseases are very similar. There are also many different causes of disease. We provide a general overview of common sufferings and worries of patients.

Medicine and remedies: Conventional medicine is the use of medical treatments that are generally accepted and practiced by the established medical community. Alternative medicine, on the other hand, is any practice that lies outside conventional medicine. Our health magazine publishes entertaining and informative articles on every form of medicine.

Sport and exercise: The benefits of regular exercise are enormous – it can boost your metabolism, improve your circulation, strengthen your muscles and prevent diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. Exercise is also important for mental health. If you feel stressed or depressed, you should go for a walk or exercise regularly.