Licorice Licorice

Liquorice: Sweet Treat with Double-Edged Effect

Licorice is a sweet temptation with a rich history, and plays a significant role in many cultures, whether as a delicious treat or for its recognized healing properties. The following article attempts to shed light on the fascinating world of liquorice and to present its health aspects, its effects as

Top 5 Health Trends 2024: The Guide to a More Conscious Life

Have you ever wondered how the small decisions we make on a daily basis can affect our well-being? In a world that is evolving at a rapid pace, it’s more important than ever to pause for a moment and reflect on how we take care of our bodies and minds.


The Role of Gut Health in Cold Season

When the leaves fall and the days get shorter, not only the time of colorful scarves and warming teas begins, but also the high season for colds and flu. As we prepare to fight viruses and bacteria, one crucial factor is often overlooked: the health of our gut. This article

Healthy skin into old age

Diet for Healthy Skin: How Your Meals Can Affect Your Skin

Diet for Healthy Skin: How Your Meals Can Affect Your Skin Our skin is more than just an outer layer, it is the largest organ of the body and a mirror of our inner health. A balanced diet is essential not only for our overall health, but also for healthy,

Healthy and Fit in Old Age

Healthy in Old Age: How to Stay Tit and Vital even in Old Age

The Importance of Health and Vitality in Old Age Health and vitality play a crucial role in old age. This stage of life can be accompanied by physical and mental changes. But it is also a period of life in which life experience and wisdom come to light. A healthy

Best Sources of Vitamins

Importance and Best Sources of Vitamins

The Importance of Vitamins for our Health Vitamins are essential nutrients that are essential for health and well-being. In this article, we’ll focus on five important vitamins — vitamin A, B12, C, D, and K — and how they affect our health. Learn about the functions of these vitamins in

Phenolic acids

Phenolic acids are a group of plant compounds found in many foods, especially fruits, vegetables, and grains. They are also known as polyphenols and have gained a lot of attention in nutrition and medicine due to their potential health benefits. Phenolic acids are also sometimes popularly referred to as “phytochemicals”.

Lowering cholesterol: Improving LDL & HDL without medication

High cholesterol is a problem that many people face due to today’s lifestyle habits or their advanced age. Cholesterol can increase the risk of serious health problems such as heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, there are some tips on how to lower cholesterol without the use of medication. In this

Tips for healthy hearing – good hearing into old age

Introduction: Human Hearing Our ears The human ear is our organ of hearing, which makes it possible to perceive sounds. In addition to hearing, our sense of balance is also located in the ear. When we understand how healthy hearing works, we can better appreciate its importance and maintain the

The 4 pillars of health: nutrition, exercise, mind and social life

Introduction: What are the 4 pillars of health? Optimal health is the result of a balanced lifestyle that encompasses four pillars of health: diet, exercise, mind and social life. A healthy diet provides your body with the essential nutrients it needs to function properly. Exercise helps keep your body strong

Vegan diet

Find out why more and more people are opting for a vegan lifestyle and how to make the transition. We examine the benefits of veganism for health and the environment and give tips for starting a plant-based diet.

Proper treatment of diabetes

If you have diabetes, it’s important to manage it well. This means taking care of your health and preventing long-term effects of the condition. Diabetes is a disease in which the body has difficulty processing sugar, resulting in high blood sugar levels. The glucose in the blood cannot get to

Tips for a healthy lifestyle

Introduction What is a healthy lifestyle and how to lead it? A healthy lifestyle is all about balance. This includes a balanced diet, regular exercise and sufficient sleep. The better you balance these things, the healthier you will become. In this article, we would like to give comprehensive tips for

Flavonoide in pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln und Produkten

Flavonoids – from cancer prevention to anti-aging

What are flavonoids? Flavonoids are a group of natural substances that give color to many plants and vegetables. They are also found in a variety of other sources such as tea, wine, and cocoa. The word “flavonoid” comes from the Latin word “flavus”, which means yellow or golden. Flavonoids are

Vitamin B12 – What you need to know about it

What is vitamin B12? Vitamin B12 (scientific name: cobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for the normal functioning of the body. It is one of eight B vitamins and is needed to make DNA, cells, and neurotransmitters. The body cannot produce vitamin B12, so it must be obtained

Vitamin A – Function, Need, Deficiency and Overdose

What is vitamin A? Vitamin A refers to a group of compounds that are vital for us and all other vertebrates. The most important of these compounds is retinol. However, this also includes chemical compounds closely related to retinol, which are grouped together as retinoids. These are found in animal

Zinc – the all-rounder

Zinc is a chemical element that the human body desperately needs. However, it is only needed in very small quantities, in so-called traces. Zinc is therefore assigned to the group of trace elements. The following text provides comprehensive information about your body’s zinc requirements. He will explain the function of

Health Tips

This list will introduce you to some habits and basics for everyday life that will keep your body and mind healthy for a long time. For more information and professional health tips, take a look at the health magazine and directories of Between our 11 health tips, there are

Liste Gesunde Lebensmittel

Top 214 Food Ranking! The Best Healthy Foods

Discover healthy foods now in the ultimate food ranking – most popular, healthiest and sometimes almost unknown exotic foods that support your healthy lifestyle. Why the list of healthy foods? A list of healthy foods can be a valuable resource to help people design a balanced and healthy diet. It

Lists of (un)healthy foods

With a certain pride, the GesundeListe editorial team can say that it already offers one of the largest lists of healthy foods on the German Internet. After all, our list of healthy foods lists over 200 foods from around the world that should find their place on the menu of

Nahrungsergänzung & gesunde Ernährung

Food supplements: harmful or healthy?

You now encounter dietary supplements in trade and advertising almost every day. The associated marketing promises help on the one hand with a wide variety of health problems and complaints, on the other hand with the regulation of ordinary bodily functions. At the same time, there are repeated warnings of